The Evolution of Omni

Note: “Omni” is the name I’ve given to this blog’s mascot, the wolf.

I’ve always had a thing for wolves and drew them differently from how they are usually perceived. Although these sort of animals are known to be very fierce, I drew the kind of wolf that appeared rather gentle and kind.  The reason I did so was to symbolically explain my dislike for stereotyping both in physical and personal aspects. This later mirrored the idea for me to come up with a graphic novel (pretty sure this will take a while to come up with) based on my personal life using the story of Omni.

A lot of pressure from studies, feelings of isolation from class during high school and family problems had kept me for a while thinking about the impossibility of this project plus the idea that artists could not profit much came pretty daunting to me due to my dad’s doubts. If it were not by God’s grace, I would not have bothered experimenting on the wolf character design at all.

Back when I had no skill in digital illustration:

                                                       Uploaded on November 7, 2009:



Uploaded on April 11, 2013:

Wolf Sketch
Drew this in my Chinese Writing Notebook :3


Uploaded on May 28, 2013. Drawn with Microsoft Paint (During my time Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator was very new to me in High School. In fact I was quite scared of using the software so I had to settle with Paint for a while):



Drawn with Psykopaint and uploaded respectively on November 10 and November 12 of 2014:


Feeding Time

Drawn with Adobe Photoshop when I was on my summer before 4th year in college. Uploaded on July 1, 2016:

Street Puppy

Finally the rendition I became most satisfied with, as of June 15, 2017:

comic feed

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